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Meltdown vs. Tantrum
Parenting Angela Gonzales Parenting Angela Gonzales

Meltdown vs. Tantrum

When I present a workshop on Autism and I ask the parents in the room, “Is there a difference between a meltdown and a tantrum?”, the response of positive nods and “Oh yeah” is immediate. Others in the room appear to be a little more perplexed, wondering the relevance of the question. Most of us…

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Parenting Angela Gonzales Parenting Angela Gonzales

What Is an Energy Dial…And Why is There a Lizard on It?

“Grace, what level is your energy level right now?” I asked. “I’m on lizard,” answered Grace. I look at her with a smile and ask if that is a good level to be on when we are working in the office. Grace looks up and to the left to assess her imaginary dial. She then returns her gaze to me and says, “Yes, I think so.”

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Father’s Day
Parenting Angela Gonzales Parenting Angela Gonzales

Father’s Day

As Father’s day approaches I am reminded of a father and son that attended the last Davis Live Concepts for Autism workshop presented here at Dr. Angie’s Place.

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